Latin American Human Mortality Database
with Piedad Urdinola – funded by PAA and Fapemig
Site for Database
III) 2011 – current
Estimating Level and Structure of Mortality in Small Areas: Counterfactual Approaches
Department of Demography – Cedeplar – Funded by CNPq
with Flavio Freire – UFRN, Diana Sawyer – IPC-IG, and Everton Lima – UFMG
Past projects
Macroeconomic Demography of Intergenerational Transfers, University of California, Berkeley and East-West Center (funded by NIH-NIA)
PIs: Ronald Lee and Andrew Mason
- IV) 2007 – 2012
Intergenerational Transfers, Population Aging and Social Protection in Latin America ,
CELADE/CEDEPLAR (funded by IDRC) – Site for the NTA Project in Brazil
V) 2010- 2013
Labor Force Participation and Retirement Behavior in Latin America
Department of Demography – Cedeplar – Funded by CNPq
VI) 2011- 2013
Vulnerabilidade a Adaptação às Mudanças Climáticas: uma avaliação integrada para Minas Gerais.
Cedeplar-UFMG – Funded by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (Fapemig)
VII) 2012 – 2013
Elaboração de uma Pesquisa Domiciliar e Avaliação do Programa de Proteção Social no Iemen
Unicef-Yemen, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG) e Cedeplar/UFMG
VIII) 2009-2011
Study Group and Training Workshop in Latin America Mortality. Technical and Substantive Approaches
Department of Demography – Cedeplar – Funded by the Population Association of America (PAA)
IX) 2008-2010
A Concentração de Mão-de-Obra Qualificada e os Efeitos da Migração nos Mercados de Trabalho Locais no Brasil
Departament of Demography – CEDEPLAR (funded by the University of Minas Gerais – start-up grant)
- X) 2006-2008
Climate Change, Migration and Public Health / Security
CEDEPLAR (funded by the Global Opportunity Fund)
- XI) 2001-2005
Measurement of Adult Mortality in the Developing World
University of California at Berkeley and Johns Hopkins University (funded by the NIA)
PIs: Kenneth Hill and John Wilmoth