About me

I am a Professor at the Department of Demography and a researcher at CEDEPLAR at the University Federal de Minas Gerais (Brazil), since 2006. This is my home on the web. This website has links to my CV, my research and other resources. I plan on having a collection of links to both demographic and non-demographic resources. In the near future, I will have a version of this site in Portuguese.

You can find a link to my CV in Portuguese here, and to my CV in English PDF here. List of publications with links are available under Publications. My ORCID account here ,  my Research Gate profile is available here and my Google Scholar site here. I also keep a public domain on the Open Science Framework with pre-prints and projects and also a GitHub repository

I hold a Ph.D. in Demography from the University of California at Berkeley (2005). I specialize in economic demography, population aging, and mortality and health. I also have strong interests in demographic methods, indirect techniques, and regional and urban economics. Currently, my research is centered on two main topicis: a) studying how demographic changes are related to the changes in the labor market in developing countries. In particular, I am studying retirement trends, changes in occupation over time and across cohorts and how changes in the composition of the labor force impacts on the performance of different age groups; and b) small-area mortality estimation with defective data. In this project, we combine traditional demographic methods – death distribution methods – to bayesian statistics to produce estimates of life expectancy at the city level.

Starting in February 2021, I am honored to be a member of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on Covid -19 Mortality Assessment. The Technical Advisory Group acts as an advisory body to WHO and UN DESA in this area of work. Its primary role will be to advise and support efforts to assist WHO and UN Member States to obtain accurate estimates of numbers of deaths attributable to the direct and indirect impacts of the pandemic (more information). 

I am working with Piedad Urdinola on a research project to build a human mortality database for Latin American countries (more info here). The web-site aims at disseminating human mortality data and literature of human mortality in Latin America, in order to provide detailed information for researchers, students, policy makers and the general public interested in knowing trends and developments in the study of mortality in the region. 

Together with Tim Riffe from the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research and Everton Lima from NEPO-Unicamp, we developed a package for R to estimate completeness of death counts coverage using Death Distribution Methods. The package and instructions are available here.

I am also part of the NTA Project. The aim of the project is to provide estimates of economic flows across age groups that arise primarily because children and the elderly consume more than they produce relying on reallocations from the working ages. NTA accounts distinguish the forms of these flows: as the accumulation of capital, as transfers, and as credit transactions. The accounts distinguish the institutions that mediate the transactions: governments, markets, and families. The web-site for the NTA Brazil can be found here.

Recent Publications

  1. Fernandes, A. and Queiroz, Bernardo Lanza. Aging, education and some other implications for the silver dividend in developing countries: evidence from Brazil. The Journal of the Economics of Ageing – Volume 27, February 2024, 100497 – paper
  2. SCHMERTMANN, C. ; Queiroz, Bernardo Lanza ; GONZAGA, M. R. . Data errors in mortality estimation: Formal demographic analysis of under-registration, under-enumeration, and age misreporting. Demographic Research, v. 51, p. 229-266, 2024. link do paper
  3. Muniz, J.O. ; SAPERSTEIN, A. ; Queiroz, Bernardo Lanza . Racial classification as a multistate process. Demographic Research, v. 50, p. 457-472, 2024. link to paper
  4. GONZAGA, MARCOS R. ; Queiroz, Bernardo L. ; FREIRE, FLÁVIO H.M.A. ; MONTEIRO-DA-SILVA, JOSÉ H.C. ; LIMA, EVERTON E.C. ; et al . Estimation and probabilistic projection of age- and sex-specific mortality rates across Brazilian municipalities between 2010 and 2030. Population Health Metrics, v. 22, p. 9, 2024. link to paper
  5. Queiroz, Bernardo Lanza; URDINOLA, P. . Ageing In Latin America. In: David Bloom; Alfonso Sousa-Poza; Uwe Sunde. (Org.). The Routledge Handbook of the Economics of Ageing. 1ed.London: Routledge, 2023, v. 1, p. 713-734