
Ph.D in Demography, December 2005

Department of Demography
University of California, Berkeley
Ph.D. Dissertation: Labor Force Participation and Retirement Behavior in Brazil
Research Advisor: Prof. Ronald Lee

M.A. in Demography, December 2002
Department of Demography
University of California, Berkeley

M.A. in Demography (Economics of Population), May 2001
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
M.A. Thesis: Diferencias Regionais de Salarios em Minas Gerais
Research Advisors: Eduardo Rios-Neto and Cibele Comini Cesar

B.A. in Economics, June 1997
Department of Economics
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Short-term courses
  1. Formal Demography Workshop, 2005 – Stanford University – 120 hrs
  2. Rand Summer Institute on Aging, 2005 – Rand Coorporation – 60 hrs
  3. East-West Center Summer Seminar on Aging, 2004 – University of Hawaii at Manoa – 120hrs